A 36-year-old Boston, Massachusetts resident was recently on vacation in Philadelphia with his family for the 4th of July holiday. His significant other and he were enjoying the festivities and waiting for the fireworks to begin when he was arrested by the Philadelphia Police Department for simple assault and reckless endangerment. In near darkness, a police officer standing at least 60 feet away allegedly observed the man punch his significant other in the face with a closet fist. Upon arrest, he was taken into custody.

Extremely worried about these allegations and wondering what kind of impact they would have on his future, the man sought out the help of Philadelphia criminal defense lawyer Mike Fienman to represent him. The matter was scheduled for trial and he prepared to present an aggressive defense complete with character witnesses, an eyewitness, and photographs of the alleged victim that were taken in the hours following the alleged attack. At the time of the trial in Philadelphia Municipal Court, the prosecutor motioned to withdraw all charges and the same was granted with prejudice. Upon speaking with the prosecutor afterwards, Mike Fienman inquired about the last-minute decision to withdraw the case. The prosecutor replied that he had changed his mind after discussing the case and the evidence with Mike earlier that morning.

“As much as I love to try cases, I am more interested in obtaining favorable outcomes for my clients. This is a winner because, even though my client had a strong case, he did not have to risk letting a judge decide his fate. Instead, I had a frank discussion with opposing counsel and convinced the Commonwealth to withdraw. My client is now eligible for engagement of the charges from his criminal record so that he can clear his good name,” says Mike.

Case results depend upon a variety of factors unique to each case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any future case.

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